Wednesday, January 12, 2011

My 2011 Vision Boards

Ok.. so having difficulties tonight posting the picture of my vision boards so I will add it as soon as I can. Just wanted to write a few words about the power of having a Vision Board. Last year I started the process of cutting out all the phrases and pictures of what I wanted for my vision board but I never got around to actually putting it together until New Years Eve this year. I ended up with soo much stuff that I am having to make 3 HUGE posterboard for my Career, Marriage, and Spiritual. It has taken some time but let me tell you of a couple of really interesting things that have happened since I have completed them.

First off, I finished my career one on New Years Eve. As you will see when I get it posted, there is a lot on it. It has a lot to do with being in the public, having a radio show, being on TV, creating retreats in southern Utah, Making a living by Serving others, Being an example, Transformation and the attraction of Money to share with others.

I am finding that the more specific and clear I am the faster I can manifest those things into my life. It was less than 2 weeks ago that I put that together and I was just offered an opportunity to be my own host of a radio show. At first I thought to myself, 'Am I ready for this already?' I guess so... so I agreed to do it. Then these retreats. I have been working on creating something down at our families camp for almost 3 years now not knowing what it was going to look like. All of a sudden people and ideas are FLOWING to me. It is amazing how fast this process is when I got clear. I know I have said this before but it still amazes.. me this creation process. It's actually a lot of fun and doesn't one bit feel like work.

I didn't just make these for fun. I actually meditate with them daily with music. While I have piano music playing, I read everything on the board and visualize myself being in those places.. experiencing and creating what it is that I want. I have set in motion what it is that I want to create in 2011. With the speed I am manifestesting already, I can only imagine how quickly the rest of it will fall into place. Remember to think BIG. This is your own creation. It's up to you. Have fun with this.


  1. God puts us through trials and tribulations to make us stronger and overcome our addictions.I have battled for years with gambling and God slapped me up the side of the head with a Liver transplant to I realized where he wanted me to be. So thankyou for your story Stephen

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