Sunday, April 24, 2011

"Remember the Reason for the Season" EASTER

So for many this is a very special day. It's the day we remember that Christ gave His life for us. As I awoke this morning, I couldn't help but feel the gratitude for this Easter morning remembering the sacrifice that Christ made for me. As I have gone through my own journey of healing in a HUGE WAY, I almost can't believe the mighty change that has happened not only in my physical body but most importantly in my spirit. There is a tangible powerful influence and role that the atonement has played in my life. As I turned my life over to God and allowed this power to engulf me and my own weakness, I literally have witness and experienced a miracle. Isn't that what the atonement is all about. For me, it's been one of the most important truths I KNOW of. Knowing that God put me on this earth, gave me weakness so that I could learn to rely on Him, then for Him to provide a Savior for me so that I may be be healed from that weakness and draw closer to Him.. is such a gift. I always thought that the atonement was for those who committed great sin but I have learned through my own experience that the atonement is for all of those things I choose to do to draw me further from Him. I don't always make choices in my life that draw me towards Him, rather I find myself at times turning my back on Him. I believe life is full of those types of lessons. I am not always aware that I am doing things that take me away from His light but when I do, I do my best to turn back around and make better choices.

I think of the analogy of airplane and how it is off course 99% of the time. That's like me. My life is a series of opportunities to learn and to grow from my choices and what is going to kick me off balance and what things are going to bring me back to center. Doesn't it sometimes feel like it will never end? Of course.. that's why "Life is a Journey.. not a Destination." The most important thing to remember is be PATIENT with yourself. We were created imperfect for a reason. So remember the reason for the season and turn to Him to find the answers to what you seek most in your life. Christ knows each one of us intimately. After all He suffered for each and everyone of us. Don't allow yourself to suffer for that which He has already paid the price for!

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