Sunday, August 15, 2010

Life is like a dance

In the last week I have learned that my life is very much like a dance. I am beginning to see just how powerful the roles of men and women are when they are played out correctly. A week ago when I started dancing again I realized how much of my life has been me playing the man's role and feeling the pressures of all of that. I am learning now how amazing it feels to fall back into the role of following and trusting in God to lead me. As I have put my trust in God to lead me and be willing to follow his lead, I have found a great amount of peace. Last night I experienced dancing with men who knew how to lead and much of the time I doubted I could even follow them but what I found was the complete opposite. The better and stronger they were as a leader, the easier it was for me to just follow them. It was amazing to see what I was able to do with just a small turn of a finger.

I think God continues to allow me all kinds of different experiences in life to teach me of His love for me. It's not about hurrying through life it's about taking the time for me to learn every moment of the day. The more I keep myself open to looking and searching for the lessons, the more I am able to see His hand in my life.

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