Sunday, December 18, 2011

Year End Review of 2011 - List of things I have learned......

This year has been one of the most growing years of my life for many more reasons than some may think. I haven't written in awhile and partly that is because I have been so busy in helping people with Sponsor Me Slim and been involved in my own personal relationships. I felt as though I have grown SOOO much by all the amazing experiences I have had that I can't help but be in such gratitude. Even the really tough times, I knew things would work out just the way they were suppose to. 

Here are a few things I have learned from this past year. 

... I have learned I don't need a lot to survive
... I have learned that I create my peace and balance wherever I am 
... I have learned that it's important to have good friends and acknowledge the good in them often
... I have learned to lean solely on God for my strength and trust in His almighty wisdom
... I have learned how to better listen to the counsel of the Lord
... I have learned how important it is to put the Lord First before anything else
... I have learned that even though I don't see the light at the end of the tunnel... to keep walking with Faith. 
... I have learned that I come from one of the most amazing families.. I am blessed to have them in my life.
... I have learned to appreciate the small and simple things in life
... I have learned that my story doesn't define me
... I have learned to serve others with No attachments. 
... I have learned to love unconditionally not being attached to the result of the relationship
... I have learned that I am beautiful and have great value
... I have learned to BE PRESENT in the moment
... I have learned to let go and TRUST God with all my Heart 
... I have learned just how incredibly Tenacious I am
... I have learned that I am experiencing life exactly as I am suppose to do.. Challenges and all
... I have learned in order to inspire I had to create value in other's lives
... I have learned that being healthy is RARE. 
... I have learned to see the GREAT in all people and acknowledge it to them
... I have learned how sensitive Men are
... I have learned what's most important to me
... I have learned how to follow my heart and speak my truth
... I have learned to appreciate and embrace the teachings in the scriptures
... I have learned to ACT NOW when opportunities present itself
... I have learned how fragile life is and to tell people I love them because I never know when they will be gone
... I have learned how incredibly blessed I am
... I have learned to appreciate every aspect of myself
... I have learned to be confident
... I have learned I create massive value in all my relationships
... I have learned to love more deeply
... I have learned to heal and utilize the atonement more
... I have learned to have NO JUDGEMENT towards others who think differently than I
... I have learned to be grateful when I am in the Flow and to take advantage of that time
... I have learned to accept what is
... I have learned how to forgive.... wow this one was a big one. Starting with me.. then forgiving others
... I have learned to trust more
... I have learned to take more time in making big decisions
... I have learned to not rush into things
... I have learned that things are just things
... I have learned to look for miracles on a daily basis
... I have learned to ask for help
... I have learned to receive love and affection
... I have learned to be honored for who I am and my beauty and intelligence I have to bring to the world
... I have learned to be open to others opinions
... I have learned to create safe spaces for others to share
... I have learned to better communicate
... I have learned that God knows me intimately and wants me to feel JOY & PEACE
... I have learned how important the temple is to my spiritual growth
... I have learned how important it is to be teachable 
... I have learned how to help others heal and the gift I have been given to do so
... I have learned that I am very intuitive

These are just a few things I have learned over this past year. Although it has flown by and we are just about to go into a brand new year, I have to say, I am humbled by the many blessings I have in my life at this time. Some may say, "I don't know how you did it!" I say to that.. I don't either.. but with the Help of my Savior Jesus Christ and my belief in God as my partner, I made it. I know for a fact that God has held me in His hand many many many times.. and even carried me on His back when I wanted to give up. He sent people into my life to help me through challenging times and lifted my spirits when they were down but through it all, my testimony grew, my knowledge in His existence is STRONG. 

It's interesting to me how similar the journey has been of releasing the 130 lbs.. is to building a career. It's the same exact process.. putting the same exact habits in place. It's all about staying focused on the goal.. focused on staying present.. one day at time.. and not allowing myself to get discouraged. 

God never said it would be easy but that it would be worth it and that is soo true. As I kneel in prayer each day and plead with the Lord to be my partner for the day, I am overcome with the spirit as I watch how he leads me to different places and to connect with different people. As an example, today I knelt beside my bed asking the Lord to be with me and to show me miracles and boy did he provide. It was one after another as I kept a log of them in my notebook. Every time I recognized another miracle I would let that person know that they were part of me experiencing a miracle. who says.. miracles don't happen anymore? I experienced about 7 of them today and I know EXACTLY where they came from. I have said this many times, but God desires to be acknowledged too. 

I hope that at the end of this year, you take time to make your own list of things that you have learned. Also take the time to give yourself a pat on the back for all the wonderful things you are accomplished. I will be starting up my blog here a lot more now and in the new year. Feel free to share it with whomever you would like. 

God Bless.. and remember how incredibly valuable you are to this world. 

1 comment:

  1. Thanks Becky I am so excited to work with you and sponsor me slim. It IS going to be a great year! And I am going to find out who I am!
