Monday, June 27, 2011

I released 130 lbs but seriously I have LOST MY MIND!!

YES... Its true! My program that I was offering at $497 is now $11.00. So some may say.. "What the heck?" Well, in the last 24 hours I have received a lot of emails from people who want so badly to do my program.. that honestly need what I have but couldn't afford it so ... God said to offer it to people at the $11.00 price.... so since I am getting really good at following directions even though it sometimes doesn't make sense.. I trust Him. I just want to help the most people I possibly can so take advantage of this. This is a no brainer. If you know of anyone.. I mean ANYONE.. who has struggled with weight issues, self esteem, stress or even total out of balance life, send them my website and have them sign up. I say .. give me 30 days and I will give you a whole new life. So if you think you are ready, make sure to sign up and then please pass the word to your friends and family. You are welcome to email me if you have any questions.

I look forward to working with all you faithful followers of mine. This is more fun than I ought to be allowed to have. See you Friday!

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