I haven't written in the last few days due to the travel I have been taking to Washington DC to meet with the National Parks division. Wow, what an AMAZING adventure in getting there and back and also the opportunity we had of meeting with 2 individuals regarding the National Parks. Something I am really getting to see in everything that is going on in life is this that there are soo many people who want to take what they have learned and give back to society. I know as we all come together we can be soo much more powerful and can help support one another in living out our dreams and soul purpose in life. There is a great awakening that is happening in the world. I don't know if you can feel it but I sure can. It seems like everywhere I go I keep running into more and more people ready to take some serious action to make things happen.
On this latest trip to Washington DC, traveling on stand by made it quite interesting. I missed or was bumped from 3 flights and my friends that went with me got bumped from 6 flights so there was a lot of opportunity for us to surrender to what is and make lemonade out of lemons and that is EXACTLY what we did. We had said several times to each other how far we had all come when we were ok with what was.. rather than getting upset. Believe me, there was plenty of opportunity for us to get upset but what good would that do, I just kept telling myself that there were people for us to serve and to meet and sure enough we met some pretty amazing people along the way.
As I prepare to leave for Florida to do a lot more networking and learning, I can't help but be grateful for all the many people in my life that I have made contact with so far. I couldn't do what I am doing without all the support around me. I know there are times when I doubt myself and what I am doing but then someone sends me an email or two and reminds me why I am doing all this. I am willing to answer the call and take action. That is really all that separates me sometimes from others who think they can't do this kind of stuff.
I know for me I only have one chance of living this life. I want to make sure I do it with no regrets and with A TON of gratitude along the way. It makes all the difference in the world. I also learned this past 3 days that my heart is wide open to ALL people who come from ALL walks of life. It almost seems like my heart can't get anymore wide open and then something comes along where I am challenged and am surprised how willing I am to accept them for exactly who they are. The more I do that I allow this open space where we are drawn to each other in a much more rich and authentic place than I have ever been able to do before.
I can't speak enough about this unconditional love part of life. If only we could see other's as God sees them and love them the same... what a better world this would be. I thought a lot too about the amount of darkness that is in people as we traveled on the bus in DC. It almost seemed like everyone around us was dressed in black and had such sadness on their face. I could almost hear their souls crying out to be acknowledged and loved. I know the pain they might be feeling and I want to bring that light to them and show them just how important their soul is to share with the world. I know the only way this world will shift is one soul at a time and for me I can't do it alone. So thank you in advance to all of those out there who are coming into my path to help bring that light to the world.
I am glad to have been home tonight and as I jump on yet another plane early tomorrow morning to Florida, I look forward to yet again meeting some pretty amazing people along my way. Thank you to all of you who are a blessing in my life. I challenge you to look for all the many opportunities you have right around you to connect with others and to be in service to them because they need you just as much as you need them. We are all connected energetically my friends.
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