I was reminded of this yet again tonight as I was talking to a dear friend of mine. I keep trying to look to others to give me the right answers rather than trusting that I have all the answers inside of me. I think it comes from years and years of self doubt and fear. I know I can't be the only one that struggles from this. I keep having to remind myself as I develop my workshops and mentoring programs, to stay true to what I have gone through and as I do that, that is where I am most powerful. It's true. You get me talking about recovery, loving and accepting yourself, facing your fears and pushing through them, finding joy in the journey, goal setting and personal empowerment and my passion can't be hidden that is for sure. I just love being in my truth and as I stay in that place, is where I will be most inspiring.
As for this awesome picture above.. it's true as we remember just how "SPECIAL" we all are, we will find in us our unique and amazing qualities we all have. The coolest thing of all is no 2 of us are the same. It's crazy how that works. During my own journey, I have discovered the real Becky. The Becky I knew was inside but I was soo scared to stand in my uniqueness and embrace that part of me that shines. I think a lot of us struggle with that. Gosh.. I wish I could swing my magic wond and in a second have you see your brilliance as God sees you. I pray everyday that I may see people as God sees them and then as an instrument in God's hands, help bring that brilliance out of them. How do you put a label on that kind of work... for me I just call myself a Mentor. If anyone has any better title for it, please let me know.
I know now that I am special but not in the negative energy I put around the word special for many years. I didn't want to be special. I thought "Special" meant I was stupid. I am learning what my own unique qualities are and it's looking inside and taking a good look at the many gifts God has given me. It takes courage to find those gifts and then share them with the world.
A friend of mine and I were talking about this very thing today as we both agreed that our choice to go public with our stories is NOT the easy road. We could stay quiet and go on with our lives but we are choosing to make a difference in this world by giving back, by sharing the message of hope and by following where our hearts lead us to .. and our hearts lead us to you. You, the reader, that sometimes sits silently out there hoping to be inspired to the point where you can then have the courage to take positive action in your life. Well, I am telling you, there are soo many of us out here.. just waiting for you to ask for help. I love that I now surround myself with soo many people that have the exact same passion I have to make a difference and assist others to find the joy they have found. It's fun.. and exciting to be on this side of life rather than where we all came from.
As I was on one of my sponsee calls this morning the following quote came to me. "I create my own Life.. Life doesn't Create Me!" So dang true. You are influencing or being influenced by EVERYTHING that you choose to do. Might as well be proactive and Create your own life or someone else will.
ACT NOW: What answers are you seeking in your life right now that you feel you look to other's to answer for you? In what areas do you not trust yourself? If you have trouble with trusting others typically that is a sign you don't trust yourself. What scares you about trusting yourself? If you did trust yourself what would happen? What are your special and unique qualities about you? How are you holding those qualities back from sharing them with others? Why are you holding them back? How is that serving or not serving you? What would you do if you knew you couldn't fail? (<--now that is a loaded question) I challenge you to get your journal out and answer these questions and see where it leads you.
I have found it very helpful while going through this process to answer questions such as these. It helps me process through how I am feeling about myself and others.
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