Thursday, January 27, 2011

"Service REALLY IS freedom of Bondage of self"

I know for me when I am in a place in my life where I am looking for opportunities to be in service to others. I begin each day asking to be directed to those who need help in their lives.  As I throw myself into service it helps me forget about myself and the worries I have. There is also an element of this that I have learned to balance as well. I used to think being in service 100% of the time was the way to go but I had to learn that taking care of myself too was vital to my success in life. For everyone this is different. It's been an interesting journey to find the balance to this. I used to be the type of person that NEVER asked for help and tried doing everything on my own. I am getting better at asking those around me for help. Just as I said in my title of this is that Service is freedom of bondage of self and if you are not willing to allow others to serve you, you are stopping someone else from them being able to serve. Learning to open yourself up to receive is also a very vital component to allowing energy to flow from someone else to you.

So I might have shared something that I do on a regular basis is lay in bed with my arms wide open asking to receive. I ask God to allow me to receive whatever message or inspiration or direction he has for me. I then sit and listen and allow the answers to flood into my mind. Sometimes they seem to just flow other times there is peace. It just depends on where I am. I am so grateful for this tool because it's definitely becoming one of my more useful tools as of yet.

So something that rang really true this last weekend while I was at T. Harv Eker's millionaire mind was if you want to be paid more in life, create more value for others. As I am developing my personal brand and  the services I provide it is becoming very very clear what it is that I create. I am in a place right now that I am trying to find the greatest way to create MASSIVE amounts of value for people. I have such a burning desire to be in service to others and to help lift others, it's what drives me.

So with all that said, I would like to hear from you. What is it that I can do to serve you more? What do you find most valuable that I share? What is it that you would like me to share more on? If you feel more comfortable, please email me at becky. I am very open to feedback and welcome it with open arms.

ACT NOW: Look for areas in your life where you may struggle in receiving. Next time someone wants to serve you or you have a need, express it and than allow yourself to receive. For me it was me getting a pedicure that opened up my channels of receiving for you it will be something different. I also challenge you to look for opportunities each day where you can be of assistance to others. We all need each other. I believe that with all my heart. It's all about the art of Giving and Receiving.

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